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צילום: הלן ינובסקי, מתוך הסרט "כל עצמותי תאמרנה" של אורנית מרק

"Kol Atzmotai Tomarna"


The name is taken from the verse "All my bones shall say: LORD, who is like unto Thee" (Psalms 35,10)



Kol Atzmotai Tomarna is an educational and research-oriented framework based in the Ephron Dance Center in Jerusalem. The program's contents are drawn from the fields of dance and movement. The learning process is accompanied by a thorough attentiveness to the spirit of Judaism. This is a new and experimental form of research, aimed at opening doors to the secrets of the body's wisdom and the world of dance, while exploring the meeting point between body and spirit according to the world of Jewish spirituality.


The educational framework allows students to choose among one-day or two-day programs per week, during which the members of the group acquire skills and tools in the disciplines of Movement, Dance, and Theater from leading artists and teachers in the Israeli dance world.


The members of Kol Atzmotai Tomarna are all male, the majority of them religiously-observant Jews, interested in pioneering a new approach to dance while appealing to the general Israeli public with a new form of artistic expression rooted in a unique perspective.



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